Monday, August 25, 2014

mod 6

My final edit I did some minor changes.  I added the social media bar under the picture. The bottom I added some more site links that are common to web pagers, as well as contact information. I changed the color of the link text so that it was less washed out.  also i made the text smaller and fit it to the left of the picture.  I found a higher quality logo so that it was less pixelated. I change the colors of the logo and the slogan on the blue background so that they were easier to read.

The non profit organization I chose is Volunteers of America.  I have had interaction with the organization in the past, as I have done some volunteer work for them.  They specialize in helping young teens with drug addictions, or bad home lives.

 I did use the real mission statement from the organization. The feel I wanted to give was a genuine feel as if you were surfing the page. I created the rectangle box  where the header is, and added a dark to light blue gradient to it. took the logo from a localized section of the organizations website, cropped it, and change the color with a red color overlay. I then created the black rectangles where the links are, and added a Black to dark grey gradient overlay. Each rectangle from the "About Us" sub link menus is a separate entity.  The smaller rectangles are the same gradient overlay as the main header to give the page bit of a flow as far as the color goes.  I lowered the opacity of the squares so that they do not take away from the rest of the website below it. Overall I went for a really simple design.  I believe the less clutter there is on a website the best it looks visually, and the easier it is to navigate for the user.

Work Cited

"Our Mission." Our Mission. Volunteers of America, n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2014.
VOA AK Logo. Digital image. Volunteers of America Alaska. Volunteers of America, n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2014.
Holding hands. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2014. <>.
Mouse pointer. Digital image. Clipartist. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2014. <>.
Social media buttons. Digital image. Web Carson Labs. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2014. <>.
Volunteers of america logo. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2014. <>.

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